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Forged Fittings

Forged Threaded Fittings (ASME B 16.11-2001)

DN Nominal Pipe Size Center-to
Crosses, A
End 45 
deg Elbow, C
of Band, H
Thickness, G
Thread [Note (1)]
2000 3000 6000 2000 3000 6000 2000 3000 6000 2000 3000 6000 B L2
6 1/8 21 21 25 17 17 19 22 22 25 3.18 3.18 6.35 6.4 6.7
8 1/4 21 25 28 17 19 22 22 25 33 3.18 3.30 6.60 8.1 10.2
10 3/8 25 28 33 19 22 25 25 33 38 3.18 3.51 6.98 9.1 10.4
15 1/2 28 33 38 22 25 28 33 38 46 3.18 4.09 8.15 10.9 13.6
20 3/4 33 38 44 25 28 33 38 46 56 3.18 4.32 8.53 12.7 13.9
25 1 38 44 51 28 33 35 46 56 62 3.68 4.98 9.93 14.7 17.3
32 1 1/4 44 51 60 33 35 43 56 62 75 3.89 5.28 10.59 17.0 18.0
40 1 1/2 51 60 64 35 43 44 62 75 84 4.01 5.56 11.07 17.8 18.4
50 2 60 64 83 43 44 52 75 84 102 4.27 7.14 12.09 19.0 19.2
65 2 1/2 76 83 95 52 52 64 92 102 121 5.61 7.65 15.29 23.6 28.9
80 3 86 95 106 64 64 79 109 121 146 5.99 8.84 16.64 25.9 30.5
100 4 106 114 114 79 79 79 146 152 152 6.55 11.18 18.67 27.7 33.0

Forged Threaded Fittings (ASME B 16.11-2001)

DN Nominal Pipe Size End-to-End Couplings, W End-to-End Cops P Outside Diameter, D Min. End Wall Thickness, G Min. Length of Thread [Note (1)]
3000 & 6000 3000 6000 3000 6000 3000 6000 B L2
6 1/8 32 19 ... 16 22 4.8 ... 6.4 6.7
8 1/4 35 25 27 19 25 4.8 6.4 8.1 10.2
10 3/8 34 25 27 22 32 4.8 6.4 9.1 10.4
15 1/2 48 32 33 28 38 6.4 7.9 10.9 13.6
20 3/4 51 37 38 35 44 6.4 7.9 12.7 13.9
25 1 60 41 43 44 57 9.7 11.2 14.7 17.3
32 1 1/4 67 44 46 57 64 9.7 11.2 17.0 18.0
40 1 1/2 79 44 48 64 76 11.2 12.7 17.8 18.4
50 2 80 48 51 76 92 12.7 15.7 19.0 19.2
65 2 1/2 92 60 64 92 108 15.7 19.0 23.6 28.9
80 3 108 65 68 108 127 19.0 22.4 25.9 30.5
100 4 121 68 75 140 159 22.4 28.4 27.7 33.0